Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SLIders and Electric/Magnetic People

A strange and somewhat recent phenomenon that I sometimes see come up is that of SLIders.  The SLI stands for "street lamp interference."  People that are SLIders report street lamps spontaneously going out when they pass near them.  This apparently happens so often that it leads them to believe it's something about them rather than just coincidence.  Some SLIders even report that watches stop and credit cards have their magnetic strips erased while in the SLIder's possession.

I can't help but wonder if perhaps this phenomenon isn't something that has existed since ancient times, going unnoticed because of the lack of electrical contraptions being literally everywhere.  Tales of electric or magnetic people are not uncommon and in my mind these phenomena are very similar to psychokinesis.  An example is that of Jennie Morgan of Sedalia, Missouri who in the 1890s was so highly charged with electricity that sparks would jump from her to nearby objects, animals would avoid her, and people that touched her were often knocked unconscious by her charge.  A similar case is that of Caroline Clare of London, Ontario.  She became charged after falling ill in 1877 and objects that came in contact with her became magnetized.  Clare was also capable of sticking cutlery to herself similar to some modern reports of "magnetic people" with the difference being that she needed another person to pull the objects off of her.

Over the years many people, both male and female, young and old, have been studied because of their extreme electromagnetic properties.  I find it peculiar how many of these cases at first resemble classic poltergeist activity and eventually develop into what would seem to be psychokinetic or telekinetic powers.  I think that this implies a connection between psychokinesis and electromagnetism.  Of course, looking into the data available on both psychokinesis and electromagnetism, one encounters a number of difficulties with this explanation.  The primary problem being that it seems impossible for people to emit, let alone control, that much electrical energy.

It's interesting to note that some SLIders report that their incidents occur during times of stress or emotional upset.  In the classic cases of electric people and magnetic people we find those that acquired these abilities after falling severely ill and then recovering.  These correlations, while interesting, do very little to reveal the secret of what's actually going on here.  This problem is made even more unassailable by the usual difficulty of these phenomena typically being beyond the conscious control of the person.  This obviously makes it very hard to study under laboratory conditions.

I like to think that I've had some SLIder experiences of my own, but they are sporadic and could very well be coincidences.  This doesn't deter me from trying to figure the whole thing out though.  If you've ever had a SLIder experience let me know in the comments.  Your input is welcome.


  1. yes just recently, ive always experienced the paranormal since i was little.. but this is a new experience to me and i have looked to find answers and found this. The street light outside my house had over the past 2 days gone out every time i go out to smoke, but come back on as soon as i walk inside, this has happened 3 times in my 5 times smoking outside

  2. I think you should record your experiences and maybe keep an eye on the light before you go outside. Maybe see if it goes out at certain times of day. Good luck.

    1. Ive never recorded but I have lights go off,phone connections go haywire and breakers in house go out. Yes this happens when Im emotionally charged.

  3. I noticed this first in my early 20's and have had weekly experiences spread over three countries over a period of 23 years. I never even thought to google the phenomenon until tonight when it happened again this evening. Now I know there is even a name for it.

  4. I'm glad that you were able to put a name to something that's been happening to you for so long.

  5. I have had these issues and in some cases so sever it has almost caused injury to myself and others. Street light constantly go out when get near them (almost a daily occurrence), electronics stop working or they bug out, the arrow on the computer screen moves without me moving the mouse, a light bulb has shattered when I walked under it, an electrical transformer on a telephone pole blew up after I went past as well as many other instances. Wish I could find a use for it.

    1. Have you tried starting your car without a battery?

    2. LOL...I can make a car start when it's turning over & won't fire (won't start:)

  6. Maybe when this phenomenon is better accepted by the scientific mainstream there will be some answers to what causes it. Then maybe we can find uses for it.

  7. I also am a slider, I can not wear a watch. I wore a pager for 1 month and fried it. The guy at the store asked if it was hit by lightening due to the module in it was so burnt. This is kinda scary to me.

  8. Have you ever wanted to try to get someone to study what's happening to you? Knowledge and understanding dispel fear and it may help you find a way to switch it off if it is an inconvenience to you.

    1. Us I'm sure science would love to put us under a microscope it's this type of interaction that will teach us about ourselves sharing experiencees and comparing emotional mental and physical characteristics so we can figure it out on our own

  9. I have had some strange experiences since childhood as well as others here. I too have had the street lights go off/on when I pass. But, this is about magnetising objects. I and now my 23yr old son have several objects that we either carry or are near us for very long become magnetised. For instance I have 3 bobby pins I was wearing in my hair and when I set them down they were pulled to a pair of sizzors on my counter. My son has a pocket knife and it can pick up objects just like a magnet. The really strange part is there is no Negative or Positive poles to these items. I used to think it had something to do with the house we used to live in. We had very strange paranormal experiences there and I could NOT sleep...But now we both live in different houses in different counties and it's happening again. I've written to physisists, with no reply. I had a paranormal group study these effects I have on electronics as well as the magnetising of objects, all they could tell me was, yes I do affect & magnetize things. I have no control over these effects, but would love an explanation. I have a video and photos if anyone is interested, let me know.
    Thanks for listening...

  10. Those are very interesting experiences, Dee. You could try looking up and contacting more sympathetic figures in academia to see if they would be willing to test you and maybe give you some answers. I hope you find what you're looking for.

  11. I have often noticed that my body doesn't "agree" with electrical things. Radios, computers, tv's....many things. They often times go haywire near me especially if I am angry. I have noticed as I have calmed my temper over the years, I have less problems. But usually, sooner or later...electrical things stop working for me...usually sooner. Computers often need to be fixed and completely die left to me. I am not allowed to share my husband's gadgets. He prefers if I never touch them. Volume on radios suddenly go up and down uncontrollably, computers crash and blink on and off. Tv's go on and off, change channels. DVD players stop working, usually as soon as my husband leaves and starts working on his return. I suspect he is somehow my opposite in this. If I have a migraine, same thing. Lots of problems.
    I have read that some people with this have had a near death experience. I have been told I almost died as a child. I don't think I am actually psychic, but sometimes I "see" things, unexplainable. Today is the first time I have heard about anything like this and feel relieved that I am not alone.

    1. I also had an NDE when my youngest son was born, and he seems to have the same SLIder occurrences ... we can't wear watches, lightbulbs and street lamps go out near us, theft-detector machines go off as we enter stores, cellphones die and other things go haywire around us. Glad to know we are not alone!

  12. Anonymous is my comment above. My name is April.

  13. April, I'm glad that you could find some kind of answer for what happens around you and that you can find comfort in knowing that it happens to other people as well.

  14. I have had the streetlight issues for a while, but not really sure for how long. It just eventually happened so often that I began to think it might not be normal. My mother is a slider too, but she doesn't know it. I have yet to have the courage to talk to her about it.

    I would have thought that I was crazy concerning the SLI if I had not had psychic experiences when I was younger. Due to the strange things that happened to me in my youth I am pretty open to believing that anything is possible.

    I have problems with watch batteries and haven't worn a watch for years. I keep meaning to get my watch a new battery and see what happens. Test it so to speak. I find that when I have the radio on in my house there is a tendency for it to buzz if I stand near it for more than a couple of seconds. I also have not had a microwave that worked properly in years. Ironically the first microwave that my family owned did fine but I pitched it because of how clunky it was. Since then I have had multiple problems and have given up. The one that I currently use usually gets the job done and I have decided to just live with it and not spend any more money on another new one.

    The craziest and scariest experience that I have with SLI is when I fly. I started having airplane crash dreams roughly 20 years ago but I enjoy going places enough that I will get on a plane regardless of my fear. However, I have had three unusual flights. (With the amount that I fly the odds are so against this) Two flights had landing gear issues. The first time I had a lot of crazy energy going on, even more than usual. I was nervous about flying and I was excited because I had won a car on the price is right and couldn't wait to get home and talk to my boyfriend about it. Both landing gear issues resulted with us flying around dumping fuel so that if we crashed there would be less chance of a fire. I have never needed a martini so bad as when I saw all of the ambulances and fire trucks lined up (both times) waiting to see what would happen. The third incident involved a flight out of the Canary Islands on some foreign airline. As we sat on the tarmac our interior lights flickered off and on and by the time that we were speeding down the runway they were completely off in the cabin. I remember thinking that we would never had taken off if we were in the US.

    My issues come and go. They disappear for a while and then suddenly appear out of nowhere. Wish I could control them, but I couldn't control my psychic abilities years ago so I try to just roll with it. I wish there were studies, that someone would take interest. Probably eventually. We should all just take comfort in the fact that we are not crazy and that other people out there are noticing the same things.

    1. I had a near death experience as a child and also experience the streetlight and plaza light phenomenon as well as the odd electrical glitch.I also have had airplane crash dreams, although very few and sometimes a little sketchy they usually occur the next day or two.

  15. I can't wear watches. They'll work for short time, then stop. I finally gave up on wearing watches when I went through 3 of them in a couple of weeks. The weird thing is that often they'll start working again about 24 hours after I've taken them off. At one time I worked in a school, and every classroom I worked in, the clock in that room would eventually die. "Twitchy" street lights turn off when I walk under them, or if they're out they turn back on. Is this sort of thing contagious? My best friend had this for years before it started with me, and he's much more psychically inclined than I am.

  16. I don't think I've ever heard of SLI syndrome being contagious but stranger things have happened.

  17. Hola tengo 23 años, y recien hoy me anime a buscar en internet y descubri el fenomeno sli. Desde chica que tengo algo especial con las cosas electricas, hasta la secundaria se tomaba en chiste y me cargaban de ser bruja. Siempre se descomponian los equipos elecricos si estaba cerca. En el colegio no podia hacer computacion x mas q yo no la manejara, dejaba de funcionar o solo se paralizaba. las cajas dde supermercado suelen trabarse tambien. y en la facultad me tubieron q cambiar 3 tarjetas para ingresar xq se desmagnetizaban
    Siempre pense que era casualidad pero cada vez son mas seguidos Y UNA AMIGA ME CONVENCIO en buscar info.
    Lo que nunca note fue q se apagara un foco en la calle
    ¿que piensan q es?

  18. I'm not good with Spanish but I was able to use Google to translate your comment, Anonymous.

    As to what I think, going on your experiences I think that you could be affected by street lamp interference syndrome.

    Thank you for commenting!

  19. Trippy. Most recently (beyond the "normal" bleeps of the house lights, TV, etc. (florescents are so weird anyway), a situation/someone angered me more than I've ever been. The element on a vaporizer, normally a light bluish hue, turned bright red hot, had to replace the unit.

    I noticed many street light experiences years ago.

    One time, music playing (CD) was bugging me more due to another situation which I'd been dealing with. The CD player quit in the middle of the song.

    Not sure if this fits: I was walking around a business that I sold about 10 years ago, excited about new opportunities, yet dealing with unknowns.... my eyes glanced at a number 7 on a door sign, I moved my eyes, saw another 7 and then yet a third. A few minutes later I went into the bathroom, pulled the cell phone out of my pocket. On the cell display were the numbers: 777.

    These days I focus on Biocentrism (Robert Lanza- great read) because it makes sense.

    I feel that perhaps we are all united. Would it not be interesting to put some of us together, all of us focused on something wonderful? Just to see if combined electric charges might generate another step in our evolution?

    1. It might be interesting to get a group of SLIders together and see what happens.

    2. lol...or not actually i have been, and it doesnt really do anything in a collective combined sense we still just interact with our surroundings as if we were there by is however a very ...powerful feeling in that u can feel the vibration of the room increase huge amounts.

  20. Just finished watching TV show William Shatner's Weird or What and they covered SLIders. Since I was a child the street lamp outside our house would go off ever time I was near it. Once I moved it stopped. At my new house the light out side now goes off. Inside my house we go thur light bulbs at a high rate, those seven year bulbs we get three years. I have to watch what I touch as the spark hurts. There is one grocer store I no longer can go inside as it hurts to much. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

  21. I also watched the same episode of the TV show. Never heard about sliders before.

    It was happening to me for a long time and when I mention it to my family, of course they smile like I were making things up.

    I am feel relieved knowing that is not only me. I know that we cannot control that, but I was able to do it voluntarily to two street lights when I was walking with my son one night around 9:30. Tired that no one believe me, that day I said to my son "I am going to turn that light off", (my mind state was different) so, when I was approaching the street light, the light turn off, my son surprised said, "Ok, do the same with the next one", we walked toward the next pole and the light turned off.. my son did not say a word...

    When I was 17, I was able to brake down a turntable just by wishing it. I remember being very upset at that moment.

    Three years ago went to one of those drug stores where you find those machines to check your blood pressure. Again with my son, around 21 at that time, I was able to exactly predict the two numbers (I think three digits each) of the pressure reading. It was my first time in one of those machines and the last.

    Many more things have happened to me and would like someone to provide an explanation.

  22. I haven't ever been able to wear a watch. The batteries die within a couple hours of putting one on. (My mom had the same problem.) I also can turn off street lights as I walk underneath them only for them to come back on after I pass them. I have also experienced this problem with florescent lights inside buildings. I can drain a laptop battery in minutes especially if I am in angry, upset or stressed. I have also experienced being able to move the cursors in computer programs without touching the keyboard This completely freaks out my husband. Forget cell phones, ipads, ipods and the such, they don't work for me and if they do the batteries last minutes instead of hours. .At work I have had to have my identification card reprogrammed several times. My coworkers can use my card to access certain restricted areas using my ID, but then it won't work for me. Strange but true...I just live with it.

  23. I also have streetlights that turn off when I drive under them. Happens several times a month. But then I can go for a few months with no effect and then it starts back again. I can't wear watches either because they only last for a short time. And I go through cell phones about every 2-3 months, not just the battery but the cell phone goes bad....which is probably the most annoying of all. I have had computers that the batteries go bad in and I drain pretty much any type of battery quicker than it should. I live next to a streetlight that has blown it's transformer many times over the last several years, and half the time doesn't work. Christmas lights on a tree are pretty much out of the questions, because they burn out quickly. Reading a lot of other people comments makes me feel better to know I am not alone. Thanks for this site!

  24. i have this problem as well, as does my mom, but it's more pronounced in me than in her. i personally know of only one other person that also has it and they regularly visit with a kinesiologist to help control the electrostatic charge they carry with them because they work in the computer industry and can't afford to keep fixing and/or replacing the equipment they've damaged. according to the kinesiologist, this can also affect the kidneys of the person afflicted with the problem and that is curious, because i have a lot of kidney problems myself. does anyone else?

    my personal experiences include a wide range of activity. i hadn't even considered the possibility of what appeared to be poltergeist activity until reading this article, but now i can add that to the list as well! i've had watches die on my wrist, a grandfather clock stop dead in its tracks when i walked by, i've had another clock start going backwards, and my TV lit up for no reason (after being off for days). i've somehow managed to kill several computers and phones, and also recently my PS3. actually, today, my work computer was fried as well, and when i used another co-workers computer instead, i also managed to cripple that one. i have noticed it is directly related to my emotional state as well, but only in extreme emotional states. this morning i came in to work very upset and stressed out, so i am not surprised that i have managed to crash two computers in this state. it's unfortunate, though, because it is EXPENSIVE to remedy! i have also had street lights go out constantly. in fact, the street light in front of my house will not work anymore, even though the city claims it is in working order. it literally worked for only 2 days after i moved in and it hasn't worked at all ever since then and it's been over 5 years now that i have lived here. normally i would say that it is just a faulty piece of equipment, but i bought the house right next door to my best friend who has lived here for many years longer than me and it had always worked well before i moved in. i've also got plenty of other electrical problems and instances, such as certain lights not working for me, but when someone else tries to use them they are perfectly functional. it's strange and i wish it didn't happen at all! i've had some people give me a hard time about this, when i try to explain what is happening, they think i'm nuts. it's not as if i WANT this to happen! this is awful! i would really like to find a way to make it stop, but i can't afford to go to this kinesiologist, so right now i am just stuck dealing with it.

  25. I have been dealing with this problem contionously since i was a little kid and never was aware of what was going on around me till I had people who saw me every day and told me that i was known as a slider. I have problems even if i stay calm. just being nervous throws into overdrive. from light to appliances to people 's car locks ( if they are electrical ) lamp posts, lights tv sets anything go haywire. lights burst, whenever i was a cashier my register i would literally have to battle with it. i was being bullied by another girl and she caused me all kinds of problems running her mouth cuz whenever she wouldsay something or do something behind my back things would get out of control. i don't even need to shower anger. it's built up inside. i just really wish this would end. it's so embarrassing nd people are scared of me cuz of it!!;(

  26. i have actually had two blue arc lightning bolts copme out of my finger tips when my 16 yr old son and i were kinda play fighting in a dept store ....middle of summer cement floors....and i was about to playfully push him away from me cause he was being a pest.... and when the tips of my fingers were about 3 inches away from his chest, two bright blue arcs emitted from my index and middle fingers right into my son....u could hear a loud audible CRRRACK...and my son screamed and it felt like the ends of my fingers had blown out!!!! we were both completely stunned by this and afterwards u could see a red mark on his skin!!!! i have ALWays had very serious effects on anything electronic to varying degrees and also have always had the ability to dowse water wells VERY accurately. i make watches run backwards put out streetlights as i go under them ALWAYS out of light bulbs lol.. and if im upset u can see the lights start to pulse and dim and get bright again. I also have a nasty habit of frying batteries by inadvertantly reversing the polarity...(even with out coming into direct contact with them)like when they are in a flashlight or a cell phone...what happens is the batteries will start to heat up til they are blistering hot if its the battery in my cell phone i literally have to remove the battery from the phone and hope it stops heating i have burned my hand on a steal flashlight case and had to literally throw it away from me because the batteries inside got so hot and swelled and exploded. i was at my youngest sons house just b4 xmas and i smoke but not allowed in the house so i was sitting on the front step and was txting with my daughter the phoned warned me the battery was low and at 15% so i told my daughter i was going to go inside to plug it in but just b4 i went back inside i noticed my cell heating up looked down
    it in my hand and literally watched it charge its battery in my hand....not plugged into ANYTHING lol i got it to xcharge right up to 25 %!!!!!!

  27. oh i also wanted to ask if any of u had tried to test yourself with a volt meter/battery tester, by just turning it on to its lowest volt setting and grabbing one lead in each hand.....i tried for years and could never even get a movement....then about 3 years ago i was testing some household AA batteries and they weren't new so i knew they wouldn't test at the 1.5v they are when new....but guess what they were testing at 1.8v to 2.2v.....used was thinking i was doing it wrong cause they shouldn't be testing at higher than the factory charge right? i was baffled for months even my husband tried and as long as i hadn't touched them prior to him testing them they would test 1.5 and below as they should.....that's when i decided to try testing myself again.......and OMG i had the meter reading right up to 900v!!!! it was wild and all over the place...but then my hubby said well i wonder if u have a set polarity? and well when i grab the red/positive lead with my right and the black negative with my left the volt meter gives a positive reading...but if i reverse hands....the meter reads in the negatives!!!!!!!!! what im wondering is ...what occurred during that 3 year period to suddenly give me the ability to affect the volt meter when i couldn't even make it twitch before?

  28. I have had this happen to me since adolescence. I had always found it strange. But haven't researchedit til now. it's strange to suggest that this happens in connection with ur emotional state. I had never took that into consideration Before. And now that I think back it makes complete sense. I've had lights go out on me in my home town as well has places I've only been to once. one of my most significant life experiences had happened do to this phenomena . I chose to walk away from a situation and somebody every dear to me. I was in a parking lot. and about half way threw it the street light right above me went out...I stood there and thought hard for a long minute and came to the conclusion that that just happened for a reason. so I turned around and went back. I truly believe I was supposed to do so. that I was ment to.

  29. After years of my husband making comments about me and electrical things, we sat down and listed all the things over the years that we joked about or thought were coincidence. I have given up watches, they always stop. Street lights constantly go out on me. My laptop shuts off on me, my ipod and cellphone mess up and go off all the time. If it is electrical in this household and I have contact with it - it screws up. I have just opened the door with exploring these websites and it is all so fascinating. I love reading everyone's stories and comments!

  30. As well as street lights, when I walk into a shop, the electric door bell that is supposed to chime when you walk through the door doesn't. This happens to me approximately once a month. Any thoughts?

  31. I have gone through so many "smartphones" recently that i jokingly said maybe its me screwing them up. then i thought about it and i remembered back when i wore watches they were always stopping. there is a street light right outside my house that always goes on and off and it is the ONLY one in the entire neighborhood that does that. Interesting.

  32. My mother is a Slider and has had quite a few experiences throughout her life with it. Nothing major, but there are enough of these occurances for us to qualify her as a Slider.
    An example would be when she was walking in a department store, and as she was walking the lights above her would go out and come back on as she walked beneath them. In another store she caused an entire isle to turn off when she walked into it, and when she walked out they were fine again. There are others but I won't go into detail. She notes that it usually happens while she's in the midst of deep concentration or thought.
    Other than that, she has quite a few problems with computers and smart phones, which tend to freeze up and work incredibly slowly in her presence or use. She can barely use her phone now. We often take these experiences more lightheartedly or assume that it's just the computer and not her, though it's still worth noting.
    A lot of people seem to have trouble wearing watches so I might ask her to wear one for a month or two and see what happens as a personal test. I can even wear a matching one to see the differences of how they function.

    I'm currently doing a school assignment about Sliders and this is a very interesting post! The comments help a load. Great blog. ~R.R.

  33. I think I may be a slider as well... I am constantly accidently shocking myself and others if I happen to touch them or I touch metal, I occasionally feel like my whole body is on edge, tingly. At times, lights will go out or flicker if I stare at them for too long. Light bulbs have a short life span in any room I visit often, same goes for street lights I happen to stare at or walk under. Technology is always freezing up or shorting out on me and sometimes starts up without me turning it on. It's pretty scary when it happens at late night... It intesifies if im stressed. It's good to know there are others out there.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I used to be a slider growing up. Had the street light thing all the time, they would go off as i went by. As a young man I could make green light happen in a row. I think it is an energy effect, that somehow my body/mind could change the conditions, ever so slightly. It offten happened when i was in a very relaxed, wide aware state. Some how i connected with the world and shifted the odds. Also i could roll dice to come up how i wanted them. Maybe it knowing all the odds, and realizing them, before it happens. Random events do not happen. Like dice if all the conditions were identical, then the dice would com up the same every time. What happens is the forces of nature act in a way, that looks random. Its all cause and effect. the chain of events is so long, that the results look random. Sometimes I can make the wind pick up, sometimes I can calm the water around a small boat. It all happens when i feel very connected to my enviroment, and really relaxed. That Zen moment. The butterfly effect.. A butterfly flaps it wings in china and we have a storm in boston. Very small changes can cause a series of events, the out come looks huge.

  36. Hi,I am just teenager 14 years old and live in Digos City,Davao del Sur Philippines. When I was in 1st year high school I experience that my "Dream is coming true". Nobody believes me but I believe that I have a extra supernatural power by seeing the future in my dreams.Just like example;I fall asleep then have dream...that dream will surely true when past few days ago in future.
    This is one of my story that I've been dreaming about my Neighbor:in my dream I see that there's a picture of her infront of me...but my eyes can't really see it clearly because I am near sighted then a past few days later my Neigbor die with her heart attack.So that, her daughter goes on our house to pick her out of her bed while slowly breathing then When they arrived the doctor said "Shes already die and accept it".while the doctor telling the daughter,the daughter cries out loud! Then,her daughter decided that she have to burry her before Christmas then my family decided to come to the funeral.
    By passing go by,I've decided to sit at the back of the others so that no one can noticed me.Because of my near sighted eye I can't see clearly the picture post in the front the dead body but i can clearly recall my dream; it's just like the same thing as my dream.When I remembered that,I've been shocked then go to the front so that I can clearly see it my own naked eye.And then that's it! My dream is becoming true but the caused of this is the death.But sometimes happiness,sadness,enjoyment and horror that I can see.
    When I decided to revealed this to my father,My father do not have any reactions.He just give an advice that I have to tell him all about my dream so that my dream won't come true.

    THE END!!!

  37. Hey, my name is Mitch. I believe that I'm a SLI as well, but it's really weird. I can't control it but I can turn off computers and I feel like.. a buzz whenever I use it. A couple lights flicker or go brighter but they don't turn off. My radio goes weird as well but none of the other stuff has happened to me (like the streetlights). I don't know how to control it and it would be awesome if I could... can someone help?

    1. Mitch again (the anon from above). I forgot to include that when I touch certain metals it really hurts. We have shower handles which absolutely hurts me to touch, so we had to replace them. I frequently felt like I was getting shocks FROM the thing instead of me giving shocks TO it (which I wasn't even trying to do... :\)

  38. I have video of light affected when hands near them. Store alarms, electronic parts to all appliances have broke. I am quite intuitive as well..would rather not be this way.

  39. I used to literally kick lamp posts when I was a teen, in front of people, and they would go permanently off. I did it for entertainment.
    I'm curious as to what is going on with me because I seem to fuck up cash registers at most stores I go to, bill printers start leaking paint, the computer freezes and today, I took my cat to the vet and the power went out in the whole office, which was very freaky for me because I'm starting to become conscious of something I can't literally get help for at the doctor's.
    When I was young, my family lived right next to a lightning rod, we had really bad storms sometimes, and every time lightning would strike, I could actually feel an electrical field around me and hear it crackle. I'm terrified of lightning storms because I'm somehow convinced it would strike me if I found myself at the wrong place at the wrong time.
    This all is very funny since I'm very logic and studying to be an engineer, so I know the basics of electric currents. But, you know, it's not like I see something others don't, this I can actually manifest in front of someone, so fuck scepticism.
    Dunno what the hell is wrong with me, but I just might start building my own Iron Man suit or something.

  40. I have had many of the same...electrical issues many of you Have had. I really had no idea there were others. What peaks my interest the most from everyone's experiences is that it appears most of us were born in the 70's. Has anyone a thought on this? We're we a creation of environmental issues of this time or creation. Most of us have had a hospital stay or two prior to our realization this was happening. I wonder what causes this effect? I also almost never sweat and look very youthful. If I hold a battery tester strange things occur. I tarnish metals mostly gold. I tossed a lot of jewelry thinking it was fake. And when I am deep in thought lights go out. When I am angry and trying to contain my anger a light will blow...once it shattered. I can completely control my cat by thought. My youngest daughter thinks I must be a fairy. I have noticed my children have talents. The 23 yr old is a genius who can make objects move. I thought I had a ghost until I got a glimpse of it one day. It was a transparent her. This happens when she sleeps. She is a quantum physicist. The boy has pre cognition ability. And my little girl turns volumes up and switches channels. Batteries do not last long in her toys, but they will go off without batteries when she sleeps. Stray cats sleep on her windowsill outside. If that is significant I do not know...Does this mean this is genetic then? I wonder... Does anyone else notice things with there children? Any thoughts would be appreciated, I need more information and I am happy to know all of you like us exist. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes it's defanatly genetic, all my siblings and I have it and I was adopted as an infant and only met them 6 yrs ago and it's was crazy cool when they knew what I was going to ask about in mid sentence , was glad I was not alone !!

  41. Thanks for your information. I'm glad to know other people experience this; for many years I have kept this to myself. I can literally drive under a street light and every single one will turn off as I go under then back on. happens all the time. way to often to be coincidence. I blow bulbs in my house at least weekly, and just the other day I walked into the bathroom with the lights on and all three bulbs exploded at the same time. I'm always replacing bulbs. Other stuff happens to me too. Computers constantly act up, phone acts up, watch stops all the time...etc..

  42. I'm 50 yrs old, born in 1964, and have just heard that there others in the world like me. As reported by other people with this ability, anything battery operated goes dead when near me. I even have to wear a kinetic watch. While walking with my son one night, he noticed that the street lamps went out when I passed under them. I just told him that it always happens, and he let it go with a, "You're weird, dad." I can also adjust the volume of the radio or pull in radio signals that are fading. When I was around 9 yrs old I had an EEG that used a flashing light. I was able to control the light during the test and that baffled the doctor. My wife is careful to touch me for fear of being shocked. I have to discharge first. When getting into a car I touch the glass to discharge before touching the metal. Lately though I've been able to reverse the battery drain phenomenon. Now, my Samsung S3 cell phone can remain charged for weeks in my pocket whereas my wife's goes dead in six hours. I don't know what it is that I do exactly, but I've been able to direct the energy. I still have to be careful touching anything metal with AC current running near it: such as the metal casing of my desktop computer. No one else feels a thing, but I get a hell of a shock when I touch it. There is one other thing that no one has mentioned. I generate body heat at will like a furnace. Even in grade school, while at the bus stop in winter the other students would stand around me because I was so warm. Weird, I know... but, at least now I now know that I'm not the only "weird" one.Thanks for the blog.

    1. I also have the shock problem and my husband reports a furnace! I also have a problem with cars. They go through altinators and starters like crazy. The fuses blow constantly too. I mess up most electronics if I use them too long. My phone is acting up now as I try to type. It's also plugged in because I became excited when I found this site and it drained in 10 minutes. This site is AWESOME! I wonder if people who spontaneously combust have our problem??? YIKES!

  43. I've had street lights go off when I passed several times and also at times back on as if to signal me when I was deciding between directions. I had one light in particular that for a while would light up almost whenever it saw me- taking the trash out at work- but was dark and looked burned out most of the time. It would seem to see me as I'd glance up at it- it would come on, then I'd smile in greeting and it would flicker over and over as if greeting me back. Then most every time as I'd turn to walk back into work it would go out again. It seemed to have personality or at least respond to mine. Several times it would correspond exactly with my thoughts/emotions as I was walking outside. Strange. Also there was a light across the street after that that would sometimes turn on as I would look over at it too. Also I know what they mean about watching going dead quickly. I don't see a point wearing them because after a few days or a week they'll probably be dead. Also computers act up when I am emotional or stressed trying to use them. Not just computers but most technology. I've had bizarre phone mishaps, and crazy issues with scanners/copiers... all when I was feeling especially stressed for time and feeling high energy. My husband can touch the computer or someone else can do exactly what I was trying to do with the copier and suddenly it'll work fine. He swears I have some sort of energy that throws off technology at times- and he has worked on computers for years.

  44. I am also a Slider...I have purchased a few computers in the past and they all stopped came back from the Repair shop and when I turned it blew up.... But I figured out how to build them myself...and I have 2 of them and they are working fine now....Oh....except for 4 different mother boards I had to install in my first computer....they all blew out....The company thought I was shorting them all out on purpose ....But they sent me a new expermental mother board and that one worked fine and any of the other parts I put in seemed to work....I can't figure it out....But I think that I have evolved somehow ...I have bigger gifts I have found now....Telekinsis is one of them...

  45. Alright so I have started noticing weird effects I have on electricity this year and i'm 17. I would always think it to be a coincidence because the idea of it being me as the cause was just bizarre. Since I started researching it I'm beginning to believe I am a SLIder. For the past 9 months a street light outside of my house would always go off when I would pull in my driveway and park but it would come back on when I would walk in my house. This has recently stopped but is happening to other streetlights as I drive by them. Then I started to notice light bulbs randomly blow when I would come near them or touch the switch. At school I have noticed lights always flickering above my head and today as soon as I sat down at a computer the whole thing shut off immediately. Weird things have been happening to me like this and it's beginning to occur more often. Looking back on my childhood, I have always had some electric charge. My best friend has been experiencing some similar things I have but not nearly as frequent as me. Usually when I am with her, these things happen more. So it is making me wonder if her energy is building up from being around me all the time. Or if she is a SLIder as well, and her energy is just not as strong as mine is yet. Similar to my best friend, my brother experiences these things as well just not as much as I do or to my extent. Do you think they could be SLIders as well or is it my energy generating to them?

    1. I am a slider i have killed my boyfriend multi meter just from holding out for him to check our house lines also when emotional or stressed out electricity goes one and of our i knock out the internet for a time. My phone is known to freeze during a hot tempered message im sending but Bennett freezes unless I'm done something with strong emotions connected. My best friend and brother passed away in June. I experience so very much loss thru or my while life but now I'm broken emotionally. Jonboy was my person. Look ke a son to me. he's the only one i had left in my family all other generations away passed on ad well. He was 34 yrs old. Know i have something else occurring. I am able to touch non magnetic objects like reg stones or fossils my children and i collect and e very one became magnetic? Also hardened steel or any metal all becomes magnetized after i touch them with my left also but if i touch with my right hand it is much more of an intense magnetic pull anyone know of this occurring or how to control it happening?

  46. Wow glad I'm not alone here. I didn't really believe in this stuff but he keeps happening more and more often to me. There was an incident tonight which got me jokingly typing in "lights act strange when I am nearby" and then saw the term SLIders. I first really took notice of it about 7-10 years ago. I don't know if it was happening when I was younger. I may just not have thought to much of it and started noticing more as it became more frequent. Ever since I was a kid I have always had a tendency to shock people when I touch them. Not all the time of course but enough that friends would comment how I always shock them. With me it is a lot of street lights but also the lights outside of homes. This happens when I'm driving or walking (a friend said it may have been the car causing it which it obviously isn't because it happens when I'm not driving and was happening before I was ever driving). Tonight a whole store started flickering as I went by it so I stopped to take a video of it because I'm always complaining to my friends that this happens all the time and joke that I'm possessed. I then started to drive away and as I got a bit past it the lights stopped so I pulled into a parking lot across the street to get another video so I could show my friends I'm not crazy or making it up lol.

  47. Anyone who knows me is familiar with my "electrical disturbance"... I fry cell phones & car batteries, can't wear a watch, pop light bulbs out, ruin the buttons on my car locks, ruin alternators on cars, i once actually killed a car battery on a police car....streetlights turn on/off when i walk under them, i can look at a light in a tower or high on a building it will go out, the lights in my house- or any room I am in will flicker when i walk under them, I absolutely fried a desk top computer so hard that the technician told me it looked like I'd taken a blow-torch to the motherboard, I can turn televisions or radios on or or, or change the channels without touching them by waving my hand , etc. etc.

  48. Anyone who knows me is familiar with my "electrical disturbance"... I fry cell phones & car batteries, can't wear a watch, pop light bulbs out, ruin the buttons on my car locks, ruin alternators on cars, i once actually killed a car battery on a police car....streetlights turn on/off when i walk under them, i can look at a light in a tower or high on a building it will go out, the lights in my house- or any room I am in will flicker when i walk under them, I absolutely fried a desk top computer so hard that the technician told me it looked like I'd taken a blow-torch to the motherboard, I can turn televisions or radios on or or, or change the channels without touching them by waving my hand , etc. etc.

  49. Hello Everyone,
    I am new to this blog and I am also a SLIder. As an astrologer, I am doing research on the charts of other SLIders, to see if there is any notable similarities among SLIders.

    If you would help me with this research, please comment your first name or just initials, your DOB, city/state/province of birth and time of birth, as exact as possible.

    This would greatly help my research. Mahalo, Gracias, Danke, Merci, Grazie, Arigato.....

    1. Leah Marie Wedl 02/04/1985 10:40 am Prior Lake, MN.
      I would love to hear from you!

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  51. Im very peaked in intrest at the comments here...I seemed to have stumbled upon this slider cite as I had been recently quite ill and 1 of the things I noticed about myself was that I started feeling like electricity was running through my body..My legs, fingers etc.especially when I was in the kitchen where we have most of our electricle appliances..Also on our brand new vehicle not even 1 yr old yet the battery began to drain constantly..I also noted the water phenomenon that goes with this syndrome..I have clogged more toilets in the past year or so thanyou could shake a stick at..I noted the kidneys being mentioned as being effected might explain me and the hard to hold bladder..I also read others usually more than I'd prefer..I feel as though I have a huge aura and don't like to be very close to others I believe I then pick up to much of others energy and don't wanthem to interfere w/ my on life..don't like to many things on in the house at once like tv's & radio simultaneously cause it's just to busy for me..I enjoy calmness..but don't get me wrong I enjoy big party times to..just need to be mentally prepared I guess..I've worked many graveyard shifts on jobs and am the one who has no problem staying up all night..for several days..anyway talk back to me & be blessed all I hope to do great thingsvwith my gift

  52. Im very peaked in intrest at the comments here...I seemed to have stumbled upon this slider cite as I had been recently quite ill and 1 of the things I noticed about myself was that I started feeling like electricity was running through my body..My legs, fingers etc.especially when I was in the kitchen where we have most of our electricle appliances..Also on our brand new vehicle not even 1 yr old yet the battery began to drain constantly..I also noted the water phenomenon that goes with this syndrome..I have clogged more toilets in the past year or so thanyou could shake a stick at..I noted the kidneys being mentioned as being effected might explain me and the hard to hold bladder..I also read others usually more than I'd prefer..I feel as though I have a huge aura and don't like to be very close to others I believe I then pick up to much of others energy and don't wanthem to interfere w/ my on life..don't like to many things on in the house at once like tv's & radio simultaneously cause it's just to busy for me..I enjoy calmness..but don't get me wrong I enjoy big party times to..just need to be mentally prepared I guess..I've worked many graveyard shifts on jobs and am the one who has no problem staying up all night..for several days..anyway talk back to me & be blessed all I hope to do great thingsvwith my gift

    1. Very much the same as far as having an uncanny read on others. And liking my space, too.

  53. Hi I just found this site. I've been looking for a name for what I have experienced. When I was first dating my husband. We had a joke. Almost every time we went out, a street light would go out near the end of our evening. We would say someone wants us to go home. When I found out about his affair. The oven, dryer, and car stopped working. I also always have cars that develop electrical problems. Its another joke in my family that if I'm upset things break. Would like some good out of this.

  54. Light posts on and off all over the place. Power lines buzz also

  55. Light posts on and off all over the place. Power lines buzz also

  56. Yes i was in a car in the back seat my friend tim was driving, a woman i had never met was asking the typical questions where are you from? what do you do? Stay at home dad, domestic, independent researcher i replied. She then call me a freeloading %/==\##!! I got mad and this mad was different this was a focused mad, very specific and articulated and it was met with a lighting bolt hitting a light post about twenty feet from the car. I was literally airbourne within the car. As i was reaching for the door when my friend had stopped me. Now this "stuff" is not that odd in light of recent and ongoing disclosure. Apparenty i have been living in 4/d give or take a dimension or density or two. Street lights going off or even a whole parking lot's lights going off is common. Google Edward Leedskalnin, who built the Coral Castle. He also rewrote the laws of physics attributing magnetic flows as primary in the functioning of physics. "My paraphrasing". Also google Ambient Learning Environments relative to Artificial Intelligence and optimization algorithims/automation software. And further the mathematically proven multidimensional and multiuniversal nature of reality. Now back to that lightning bolt, i believe it was a warning shot from space? Fired from a Plasma Cannon. Similar to Nikola Tesla's Long Island test of wireless energy transfer in 1905? that flattened a forest in Russia??!!!

  57. Yes i was in a car in the back seat my friend tim was driving, a woman i had never met was asking the typical questions where are you from? what do you do? Stay at home dad, domestic, independent researcher i replied. She then call me a freeloading %/==\##!! I got mad and this mad was different this was a focused mad, very specific and articulated and it was met with a lighting bolt hitting a light post about twenty feet from the car. I was literally airbourne within the car. As i was reaching for the door when my friend had stopped me. Now this "stuff" is not that odd in light of recent and ongoing disclosure. Apparenty i have been living in 4/d give or take a dimension or density or two. Street lights going off or even a whole parking lot's lights going off is common. Google Edward Leedskalnin, who built the Coral Castle. He also rewrote the laws of physics attributing magnetic flows as primary in the functioning of physics. "My paraphrasing". Also google Ambient Learning Environments relative to Artificial Intelligence and optimization algorithims/automation software. And further the mathematically proven multidimensional and multiuniversal nature of reality. Now back to that lightning bolt, i believe it was a warning shot from space? Fired from a Plasma Cannon. Similar to Nikola Tesla's Long Island test of wireless energy transfer in 1905? that flattened a forest in Russia??!!!

  58. I have figured out how to control this to a certain extent. For me a lot of it is mental state, periods of sadness or anger make it more powerful. Channel your emotions and you might be amazed at how easy it is. Focus with all of your senses. Focus focus focus

  59. DOUBLEDIWATA2 - NOV.7 2016

  60. Wow. I'm not the only person who wears out watch batteries in the course of a few hours! However, I really thought the problem with battery devices was being caused by someone else. It could have been me all along.

  61. Wow. I'm not the only person who wears out watch batteries in the course of a few hours! However, I really thought the problem with battery devices was being caused by someone else. It could have been me all along.

  62. It is a absolute nightmare from not being able to wear a watch to being searched for making alarms go off, not to mention computer's and other electrical equipment

  63. I put out roughly 10 street lights a week. Last night I did 4 in about 2 miles. In 2002 when I lost a very close family member I did 13 in a row, only as I passed under them. 2 years ago, I felt that I was close to being able to have "lightening bolts" from my fingers, I was never able to actually do it, but I felt like I was close. So, I was shocked to read that people with SLI have been able to do that! I also fizzle out radios (as in, I CANNOT tune a manual radio). I have been told that the scientific reason for that is a lower than average amount of iron in my body and that I sort of draw the waves out of the atmosphere. I wish that I could --- be away from laptops, cellphones, etc and allow my body to focus on my ability and see if I can train it to control it. Glad to know I am not alone out there! Bests, Leah

  64. I'm not a SLIder myself. But I believe my friend's father may be. Apparently, he has been the cause of the death of 7 vacuums (he's not allowed to use their vacuum anymore; he now has his own if he feels the need to clean, lol). I'm curious as to whether anyone else had a similar problem. I didn't think about asking whether his father had issues with other electronics or not. But I'm currently working on this hypothesis of mine. Thanks!

  65. My grandpa, my mom, and myself experience this. It definitely happens when I am very stressed or otherwise worked up. A few anecdotes:

    As a child, when I used our house phone, it would pick up conversations from other phones in the neighborhood. Didn't happen with anyone else. Also happened with my Barbie walkie-talkies... When I used them, they picked up trucker CB radio conversations.

    When I first got my period, compass needles would just spin in a circle without stopping during "that time of the month."

    In highschool, my first crush was riding in my car, I was very jittery. He asked me to change the radio. When I reached for the dial, it started cycling through channels on its own.

    Every time I go through a breakup, I have to get a new phone because mine mysteriously stops working within a few days of the breakup.

    I can't go near antenna radios because they get too static-y when I approach.

    I was working too much and had my first panic attack ever, then went in to work on the weekend (same day as the panic attack). The next Monday when I came in, my entire user profile had been "corrupted" and the tech guys had to give me a new computer.

    My laptop occasionally just dies and becomes unresponsive even when plugged in to a charger. A friend who is good with computers told me it is an excess of static build-up in the battery, and showed me how to discharge it. I have to do this every few months (or when I am working on a particularly stressful paper).

    No near-death experiences, illnesses, or electric shock for me. It seems to be genetic?

    1. Absolutely think it's genetic! My father couldn't wear watches due to the battery dieing and also we always made jokes about me getting my ability to shock everything or anyone i touched from him!! Wish he was here today to see myself And my middle child do the same as he always did with battery and electricity now I'm noticing I'm able to make objects magnifies other metal or steel objects ⚡

  66. I have found that when I wake up from a stressful dream or a nightmare my power in my house turns on and off and all watches die after a few days of me wearing them and I also feel extremely strange and out of control when under strong lights in shopping centres

  67. For me I first noticed it in middle school, when I listened to my old mp3 player. The songs would switch automatically or the volume would go up without me touching it. Since then I have had all sorts of problems with electronics. When I'm at college in class the lights above me flicker sometimes. A light outside would only flicker if I was near it and when other people stood near it nothing would happen. The fire alarm would go off so I had to unplug it because it would not stop, even though we changed the batteries. I drove into a parking lot and all of the lights went off for a few minutes and turned back on. Same thing happened to me at the library once all the lights turned off and some did not turn back on. I went to go see if any other floors had the same thing happen and the others floors were fine. I went to go see a couple movies and the film was messed up and the sound turned off completely. A few times when I'm near speakers the music playing tends to mess up and my tv sometimes turns on by itself. The street light going off has happened to me as well, but that's probably a coincidence. I'm not sure why this happens and it's very annoying I wish it could stop completely.

  68. FINALLY.... I knew there had to be other people that deal with this. I have never had any electronic device last past the 2 year mark. Tvs,stereos, computers, toasters, blenders, hair dryers, watches and everything. It's the shittiest super power to ever have. I have fish tanks and have to replace one of the filters on average, once every 3 months when they should last 5 damn years at least. My mom told me she had to change my bedroom light bulb 4 times more than any other bedroom needed, as a kid. I've done some reading on SLIDERS since yesterday and seeing that a traumatic event or emotionally upset.. increases it for people. Not for me, there is no emotion that seems to set it off.. it just continues to happen, no matter what. I kill other peoples electronics too, not just mine when I touch them. I'd love to find a way to make this all stop. It's beyond frustrating.

  69. Has anyone else had very close encounters with lightning like having it strike the ground four feet from the clothes line pole they were sitting on if so LMK

  70. Has anyone else had very close encounters with lightning like having it strike the ground four feet from the clothes line pole they were sitting on if so LMK

    1. My father was struck by lightning and I saw it strike the TV and bounce upstairs where he was. I then began to short watches, computerus etc

  71. I see this is an old thread however I have had this issue since I was a baby . I can change traffic lights on will as well . My mother brought it to my attention around 6 years old that it had been going on long before I realized that when I would turn on a light it would blow , as a baby when I cried they would explode with a loud popping noise . this continues to happen to me I blow up to 15 light bulbs a month . when I enter a room the lights all flicker , if I sit in a restaurant under florescent lighting it will flicker no matter where I sit. Sometimes I,blow fuses , cause air conditioning to stop working , cause computer systems to crash , but what I find odd it I have also caused plumbing issues such as flooding spontaneously . in a one week time,frame my sceptical boyfriend believed me . I was upset and the a.c.broke , dishwasher broke, washing machine flooded , dryer broke , the bathroom plumbing flooded , and I blew 15 bulbs and 2-3 exploded . I sometimes change the channel on satelite I don't have this issue with cable , I can make cable go fuzzy . my father can't wear watches but I haven't heard anything else except him being magnetic he was in a car wreck at 2 and pronounced dead and has,a metal plate in his head but I have no health issues myself .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anyone who wants to talk further about this I created a tiny facebook group so we can learn about this together . my name is Amanda Leigh Potter send me a friend request and message me mentioning this thread and we can speak about this .

  72. My wife can;t wear watches because the batteries die within a day, she has had lights not go out but get brighter as she has passed by, had intercom speakers in the hospital she worked at come on and has killed my TV more than once. She can also drain the energy in a room if she is not feeling well.

    1. This happened to me also with speakers and with the tv. Except for me the tv was turned off and then turned on twice by itself (on two separate occasions).

  73. I had no idea about SLIders. I was researching what causes electronics to turn on when I walk into different rooms. My teenage son has become annoyed with me because his Xbox turns on when I walk into his room. He keeps telling me to stop doing it but clearly sees I’m a few feet from it so I can’t even reach it. I asked if it happens for him and he said no.TV’s have been turning on for years so I thought they were faulty. I don’t wear watches anymore because all of them have battery issues and two are expensive, Gucci and Movado. I’ve taken them to the jeweler to replace the battery and one died a day later and the other in a few hours which was strange. I took the watch back right away and jeweler thought the battery was bad and put another one in. Next day it died so I took it back and when the jeweler opened it the battery had burst and destroyed the insides which she said she’s never seen before and she’s been in the business for 36 years. Lightbulbs burn out constantly so I bought the pricey ones at $7.00 a piece which are supposed to last for seven years but die in maybe a month. Street lights have always gone out when I’m near but I thought it was a coincidence. While driving, my car radio will randomly “fly” through stations until I touch it. I can drive different cars and the heat or air conditioning will turn on full blast suddenly which startles me. My new iPhones are always having issues especially battery dying rapidly but my son has none and he gets the same model as me every time. There are many more things that occur but never thought they could be related. I read your stories/history and thank you for sharing. I now wonder, am I a SLIder?

  74. When I use anything with a battery, it drains very quickly, i.e. laptop, camera, phone, etc. etc., I'm always buying new or recharging.

  75. Is anyone doing research on this? I want to know what's going on! I haven't noticed lights going on and off but computers, smartphones, even shop tills go wrong /crash around me, shop and car alarms go off, I blow fuses and light bulbs regularly, give people electric shocks, stopped using watches as they never lasted long.
    I'm happy to be a research subject... As the world becomes more and more technology dependent this is making life more and more difficult.
    Has anyone found a solution? Some sort of grounding device? Or walking barefoot?

  76. My daughter has this problem and I'd be interested to learn of anything that may counteract it.

  77. Years ago right after I lost a job and ended a long term relationship. I soon thereafter got another job and whenever I used the copier (remember those?) it would jam or stop altogether. I thought it was just that I didn't understand how to use it. You push the "copy" button, right!? Coworkers got tired of my taking up valuable time fixing the jams and finally got n a rotation to do my copying for me. It was kind of a joke. If I did something as innocent as walk by it would jam while they were using it. Finally they established a mock restraining order on me and wouldn't allow me within ten feet of the copier at any time which was tough because it was one foot from the exit door. If anyone was using the copier and saw me heading toward thee exit they you hold up their arm like a traffic cop and I would wait until they were finished.

    During that time I also experienced things falling off of grocery store shelves that obviously had been carefully placed and had no reason to fall. Like that quart jar of Ragu. Splattered all over the floor. I also witnessed a twelve pack of beer topple off the top of a five foot display and hit the floor as a can popped open a sprayed a geyser of beer into the air.

    A few years later the receiver for my 6 moth old stereo broke. I took it to a repair place and the guy said, "I've been fixing electronics for 30 years and never seen this. One fuse blew and set off a chain reaction the melted the entire inside of your receiver. Wild!"

    I always wondered about this but years ago it wasn't as easy to get info on this.

    Now I have trouble getting an internet signal in my bedroom. It's been going on for 6 years and not only have I spoken with the company several times, but they have come to my apartment to check it out. They said they have never seen anything like it and have no idea what the problem is.

    I've always been curious if there is a place to get tested for this. Anyone?

  78. I didn’t realise this happened to me until my Mum pointed it out that it only happens when I’m in the car and since then I have noticed it every time. But that’s not the weird thing on my property their are two street light one of which has always been very weak and shuts on and off since I was a young child and now hasn’t worked for years but the other one which is closest to my bedroom has never ever worked I have seen the men come and fix it and change the boulb will work for one day then stop. I just want someone to talk to because I don’t understand

  79. I can turn off not only steet lights but neon lights like the freezer colors at stores. Many times my son was with me and would be ahead of me and no lights came on....but when I walked by each one would get brighter.

    I was very high charged angry one time, sudden headache. Fire alarm went off. Was false alarm, a bubble in sprinkler system set off alarm. Daid didnt know why it happened, went back to normal when my headache went away.

    1. For me I had similar issues with the smoke alarm in my house. It kept going off all the time and we had to disconnect it.

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  81. I was at work along with 2 coworkers when the work computer I was working on started to switch from blue to white tint on the monitor. I said to myself, that is strange the monitor must be on its way out. Both of my coworkers thought it was very strange also. I didn't think much of it. Then, only 10 minutes later whales went by the farm (I work along the coast) so I began recording a video of the whales using my smartphone. Later on, at the end of the work day, I was reviewing the video I took of the whales AND THE SAME BLUE TO WHITE TINT thing was happening on the video too! I showed my coworkers and they were shocked and at a loss to explain it. Why did the same blue to white shifts in tint occur in both the work computer and on my smartphone? I still have the video of the whales on my phone which shows what we were seeing. I still have no idea what caused this. Was it interference? Electromagnetic? I am open to suggestions. Thanks for your site.

  82. I experience the same effect when i'm highly stressed or sad, i was kidnaped once and the car failed 3 times, it wasnt like he missed the gear, it was an electrical problem, when my father died i was cycling when i suddent feel a Sharp pain in my stomach then i don't known what happened i fell from my bike and broke my tibia, when i was Taken to the hospital to date goodbye to my death father the car failed too again an electrical problem, i don't own any car... They where different Cars ... When i was Taken to the quirófano one light started to blink, cellphones hangup when i'm stressed, my computer too... And i'm a programmer, i use Linux but it fails when i'm angry, and with different computers, i to corrupt dual BIOS motherboards, even if they are top brands and i use a eléctric stabilazer... I once was very sad and an street light stoped working then when to the buy food and the cash register failed and got Frozen, and this week i have to make a complain with my electricity provider because i recibed a rediculous Bill off 1500 kw in a 50 meter square apartment...

  83. I've had experiences similar to these. I'll be driving and listening to music on my phone, and then the song would change and the same time my car will beep chaotically. It would make sense if I was a slider, because my mom is one. Watches don't work on her.

  84. I blow appliances. Once 4 in a matter of hours. Some are electrical as in plugged into a power point others have batteries. Street lights were the beginning of it & still occurs. I cannot pat my pets or touch anyone because of shocks that can be heard rather than seen during this phase it can last upto a month or be as little as one or two days always random. My cars always play up. Radio won't tune in to any station but rather it picks up shop alarms & cops/truckies and one head light gives out sooner than later. The radiator over heats etc the batteries are drained after use to dead flat. Bought a new battery & I wrecked that one also. Years of it now. Glad I'm not alone. Wondering if anyone else experienced an ability to move small objects as a child by only concentrating not physical contact & whether they knew what would happen before it happened. Also, knowing when someone is going to turn up without prior warning. What is going to be said before it's said etc & just knowing things without being taught. These things occured from childhood followed by the latter with electricity.

    1. I had similar experiences through childhood. Dreams that came true, usually of loved ones or pets dying, tons of deja vu, and always electrical interference with cars, batteries, and plug-in electronics.

  85. In your case, you opened yourself up to forces outside of your control, spiritual entities, demons. Concerning Sliders, it seems that that is more of a physical phenomenon, like how being struck by lightning changes a person (they are more likely to be struck again). Pray to God of the Bible, read the Bible to learn about God, angels, and spiritual power. The book of Matthew is a good one to start on that topic.

  86. God is spirit and truth. We are made in God's image. We were made a little lower than the angels. Angels are more powerful than we are, and yet God is more powerful than angels. Matthew gives examples of the power of Jesus Christ. People who abide in Christ have his power and do not need to fear demons (the 3 angels you think you have). Submit to God and resist (don't seek out) the Devil (similarly, the consulting of spirits, which are demons, who serve the devil) and he will flee from you (found in the book of James).

  87. This is a topic which is near to my heart... Best wishes! Exactly where are your contact details though?
    important info

  88. I suppose im having a SLIder day. My passwords don't work, even the saved automatic log ons. Websites aren't user friendly. Printer stopped working. Microwave went out again..Im stressed over things. Thinking back in my life I decided to google it. So I found these numerous sites. Don't know if I can say "hey cool" or not...looking for that chunk of hematite now and going to buy a chakra balancing CD... Good luck to us all with Megahertz Mayhem...

    1. I think you just gave the official name that I will start calling it. Good luck, Megahertz Mayhem peeps.

  89. I believe this is me. I would love to know if there are any studies I could participate in--I don't want this. I want to know how to make it stop. Thank you.

  90. I have had similar experiences my entire life of lights going out when I go near them it's always random I've had lightening strike near me quite often even striking 2 houses I've lived in and weird things happen around me such as tvs turning on and off lights turning on and off cabinets opening and I can always tell that there is something following me at times it even leaves dead birds in my path all the time as crazy as that sounds and yes I know it sounds crazy but none of my experiences are connected to my mood because it always happens randomly as for i guess "feeling vibrations" of what some would call spirits is also a common thing for me I'm a male and i am not psychic to my knowledge i would just like to know what is going on and if there are others who go through the same thing with dead birds and weird things happening around them their entire lives

  91. For me it is always connected to my emotional state when it happens. I made a transformer blow up that took out power to 10,000 or more homes in my city. I had a very toxic relationship with my boss whom lived out of town and she came back to check on her company that I was running for her, I was pulsing a vitamix blender for a couple hours while very angry and then the moment she said the word power it happened. It was traced back to the building I was working in. The following two days I felt so overwhelmingly drained. Ive had issues with electric toothbrushes... when they would start dying I could push the button harder as to make the connection with my whole thumb stronger and they would rev like a motor faster than they normally would go. Computers glitch out and software crashes when I’m angry too. I was walking out side at night and had an expressive jump in the air under a street lamp and when I can down the light went out.
