Sunday, November 21, 2010

Strange Artifacts

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

There are lots of examples of strange artifacts.  Fossils that shouldn't exist, man-made objects found in rock that predates humanity, and even messages from stranded extraterrestrials preserved in stone.  To me, these types of things always stir up images of an advanced distant past that flourished before some kind of fall from grace.  Whether or not there actually were advanced ancient civilizations, these types of artifacts are certainly something to think about.

I find the most compelling cases of these artifacts to be obviously man-made or intelligently designed objects that are found in prehistoric rock.  With these we have to assume that either our understanding of rock formation is flawed, our dating methods are flawed, or these objects were made by some civilization from the distant past.  There is another possibility though; one that I'm sure Charles Fort would be a fan of.

What if the same teleportation force I discussed in my post on the Super-Sargasso Sea is responsible for depositing these artifacts in ancient rock?  If there is some force capable of moving animals and objects from place to place in such a fantastic manner, why couldn't it deposit something inside a solid object?  The idea of teleporting inside of a solid object has been mentioned in science fiction for years, but what if these artifacts are examples of that very thing?  Could this force even transport objects through time, removing the need to place them inside of solid rock and, instead, just dropping them in the mud that would later form rock?

Advanced prehistoric civilization or impersonal teleportation force?  We may never know.

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