Friday, October 22, 2010

The Super-Sargasso Sea and Teleportation

The Super-Sargasso Sea is where all the things that disappear go to.  Charles Fort postulated this place as an explanation of where things go when they mysteriously disappear and where things come from when they mysteriously appear.  It's questionable as to whether Fort really believed in the Super-Sargasso Sea, but he was very interested by the force of teleportation that he felt caused a great deal of the strange phenomena that he wrote about.

From what I've read of the strange phenomena that Charles Fort documented, this teleportation force seems to be a natural force taking place on this planet with the ability to cause something to disappear without a trace or spontaneously appear with no explanation.  Spontaneous showers of frogs and toads, hollows filled with water that never empty, stones and other missiles hurled from nowhere and similarly disappearing afterward, people that disappear without a trace only to be deposited in a far away place (or never seen again); all of these things seem to relate to a teleportation force.

Teleportation has been the fodder of fiction for decades and there have been great strides in making it a reality through applying some of the stranger aspects of quantum mechanics such as quantum entanglement.  Scientists are now able to take the characteristics of one particle and teleport them to another particle.  Obviously we are still a long way from being beamed from place to place in an instant.  Or are we?  All of our technology has resulted from us gaining the ability to manipulate naturally occurring phenomena.  But what if we don't need technology to do it?

About a year ago I became aware of a study on teleportation commissioned by the United States Air Force.  A lot of the study discussed various ways to manipulate quantum mechanics in order to move an object from one place to another instantly.  The very last section of the paper was what I found most intriguing.  The author waits until the last section to discuss "p-teleportation" or teleportation through psychic means.  He discusses cases of Chinese children that are capable of causing objects to disappear from one place and appear in another seemingly through the power of their minds alone, all under laboratory conditions.  This ability even seems to extend to living creatures.

In light of this, the idea of a Super-Sargasso Sea and a teleportation force that occasionally (and seemingly randomly) spirits people away and sometimes returns them doesn't seem so far-fetched.  Does this mean that there is more to the idea of the Super-Sargasso Sea than Fort perhaps realized when he suggested the idea?  Perhaps the Super-Sargasso Sea will be remembered as an archaic name for a fourth spatial dimension that objects can move through without the limitations we know as three-dimensional beings.  Maybe the Super-Sargasso is better thought of as another dimension allowing for miraculous events and circumstances to occur in our three-dimensional world.  I can only hope that future breakthroughs will provide better understanding.

That some of the stranger Fortean phenomena might be caused by human beings and not some impersonal force of nature is a profound idea.  Like the idea that poltergeist activity originates from the uncontrolled psychokinetic outbursts of a distressed person, maybe instances of stones being hurled from nowhere and frogs falling from the sky are the result of unrestrained teleportation abilities.  This is certainly something to consider when discussing these strange occurrences.

With that I'll leave you to consider what we really might be capable of when we focus our minds.  If you would like to view the USAF teleportation study I mentioned you can find the .pdf here.  I highly suggest taking a look if psychic abilities and teleportation interest you as much as they interest me.  I'll try not to disappear into the ether before next time.  If I do I'll bring back a souvenir.


  1. Very nice post, I hadn't heard of the Super-Sargasso sea before, and it's definitely an interesting concept. There's a lot of different ways that one could speculate as to what such a location really is and what causes it, and I always find these sorts of topics interesting in that respect.

  2. I'm glad you liked the post, Sub! Charles Fort wrote about a lot of strange things and I don't think he gets enough credit for his contributions.
