Do objects have power or do we give them power? In many forms of magic there is emphasis on using particular objects to focus or direct metaphysical energies. Could these things be done without the tools? Most likely, I think. The tool merely serves as a kind of key to unlock what our minds can already do. So do objects have innate power or is it all in our heads?
Does a candle's flame hold more power than a light bulb? I'm inclined to say that it does. I feel that a flame holds more connection to the Fire element and all of the archetypal powers that it represents. But is that why it has power, because I think that it does? Does it have power because of its associations and symbolism in my mind? I think that there are a lot of deep subjects I could go into with this but I want to narrow the field a bit.
I feel that magic and parapsychology are just two different ways of looking at the same phenomenon. In parapsychology the emphasis is on anomalous effects that are directly observable, ostensibly coming from the subject. There is more freedom in the practice of magic as the force behind the magic often has more freedom to operate and is not bound by strict parameters, capable of taking whatever path is necessary to bring about the desired change. Magic seems to be more impersonal whereas abilities like ESP and PK almost have to be personal by their very nature. In both cases though, I think that the energy and force behind the feats comes from within the person
I think that in some instances of magic it is the person's own power being allowed to manifest rather than objects having power in and of themselves. I think that the object acts like a key to unlock the safeguards on the subconscious mind. The power of the subconscious mind is thought by some to be enormous (even limitless). I can say from my own experience with ESP and PK that the subconscious mind seems to play some part in how these abilities work. I think this also explains the sometimes erratic manifestation and accuracy of these abilities.
When it comes to magic there is little conscious effort to control the powers of the subconscious. The magic is performed consciously and it is turned loose for the powers that be to manifest the desire in any way they see fit. In my view, fewer limits on the subconscious means more paths for it to do what you want it to do. The conscious act spurs the subconscious mind into action but in a less direct way than "Read his thoughts," or "Move that object." Magic usually has a much less strict time frame as well.
I think that by turning over the power to something like an object or a deity, we remove ourselves from the equation enough to not stand in our own way when it comes to harnessing the power of our minds. Perhaps this is for the best, this mental safeguard. Imagine what the world would be like if every conscious whim were manifested? It seems to me that it might be a very scary place.
Maybe it's not the carvings and the sigils or the symbolism and the ritual that is powerful but the person using these things that holds all the power. Perhaps all these things do is allow the person to unleash their full potential? What about psychometry then? Psychometry is the ability to read the history of an object through psychic means because of the emotional and energetic imprints left on the object by people that are in close contact with it.
So objects can hold energy and impressions, but can objects hold their own power? If they do then perhaps it is power that has been imprinted by human beings that can be picked up by other human beings, similar to telepathy between individuals only with an object as the go-between. Perhaps magical objects or enchanted objects can pass their powers on to others because of suggestions planted in the mind of the new owner or because of unconscious reading of the object through psychometry. From this suggestion the new owner's mind would take over where the last owner left off.
These are just some thoughts I've had while comparing parapsychology with magic. I would appreciate any thoughts from the more magically inclined on this subject. Let me know if I'm out of line or on to something with a comment. If nothing else, I find this interesting to think about and hopefully you do too. See you next time.
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