Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Update on the dead birds and assorted other creatures.

As far as I know, there are still no definitive answers forthcoming for most of these peculiar animal deaths.  For a complete list of these widespread events please see this link.

Something that I find interesting are the attempts to downplay these deaths without really providing any explanations as to what caused them in the first place.  A more paranoid person might say that this is sleight of hand to keep us from the truth.  That may be the case, but I think it's probably just the usual dividing of the opinions on an issue into a dichotomy.  One group thinks there's more to it that needs to be investigated.  The other group thinks that there's nothing to see here and it's all being blown out of proportion.  Both viewpoints emerge from the exact same information.

For an example of what I'm talking about, see this article:  Conspiracies Don’t Kill Birds. People, However, Do.

I'm still not sure what's causing all of this.  The more information that comes to light, the more I think it could just be the extreme cold of the winter that's doing a lot of this but without any definitive answers the cause may as well be anyone's guess.

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