Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Supermoon and Earthquakes

I'm sure that by now you've heard of the devastating earthquake and resulting tsunamis that occurred in Japan.  It just so happened that hours before I learned about the disaster I was reading this article about the "Supermoon" that's coming up on March 19th.  Aside from being a potential incidence of synchronicity, the disaster in Japan did make me wonder if there might not be something to the moon setting off natural disasters.

The link above mentions the slight increase in earthquake and volcano activity during certain moon phases.  These are just tidal forces at work.  However, there is potentially more going on here than just the moon as can be seen in this article that describes a March earthquake warning mentioned for the United States.  That article describes other factors at play besides the moon's position.

It might also be worth noting that the magnetic north pole is moving faster now than at any other time in human history.  If this is the precursor to a pole reversal and the disaster theories surrounding the idea of a magnetic pole reversal are correct then this could all mean a very tumultuous time ahead of us from a geological standpoint.

If that's not enough then there's the fact that all of this is being drawn into doomsday theories concerning the year 2011.

Only time will tell about any of this but I'm not really worried about it.  Earthquakes and other natural disasters can happen at any time and all we can do about it is be prepared.  These events are ultimately out of our control and it does us no good to worry about things that we cannot change.  Just in case though, this may be a good time to make sure you have the recommended emergency supplies.  Being prepared can save your life whether it's an earthquake, a tornado, or a fire.  No doomsday scenarios are necessary.

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