Saturday, October 1, 2011

Spontaneous Human Combustion in Ireland and Wi-Fi Refugees

Spontaneous human combustion is one of those things that never seems to go away no matter how many "rational" explanations you throw at it. There are a lot of different theories as to what causes the phenomenon but no one seems to be able to explain it beyond a doubt. I bring up spontaneous human combustion because the first case documented in Ireland has apparently occurred.

'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion

In other weird bodily phenomena we have those that claim extreme sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. This seems quite similar to the phenomenon of electric or magnetic people to me except that instead of manipulating electrical devices or having objects stick to them these people become ill in the presence of electromagnetic radiation. Some have even gone so far as to seek refuge from EM radiation in the "Quiet Zone" that surrounds a major radio telescope.

'Wi-fi refugees' shelter in West Virginia mountains

I find both spontaneous human combustion and sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation to be interesting facets of the human condition. It suggests to me that we are more susceptible to the sea of energy around us and perhaps have something of a literal inner fire inside of us. We are biological beings but it would be ignorant to say that we are not also electromagnetic creatures. Our brains and nervous systems operate with electrical signals, we can look into our own behavior using machines that record our electromagnetic impulses, and our free will can apparently be usurped by moving a magnetic field over certain areas of our brains.

I think that there is some correlation between electromagnetism and the spiritual energy that so many mystics talk about. Perhaps they are just two different interpretations of the same thing? Maybe this plays into spontaneous human combustion somehow? There is a theory that SHC is caused by an uncontrolled awakening of the Kundalini energy within an individual. Hopefully this will give you something to chew on until my next post.


  1. My aunt's mother was supposedly a victim of SHC, but survived the experience only having severe burns and a damaged chair, but someone (her husband) was there to rescue her. No one has an explanation for it. So your comments on energy are my only guess too.

    I'm not related by blood to this aunt of course, but I can't wear watches - they never keep time or stop working. I've tried digital, wind-up watches and Swiss movement watches - various prices as well. I've given up at this point and just check my Blackberry when I need to know the time. I’ve been told this is an electromagnetic phenomenon as well. I don’t really know.

  2. Do you ever have issues with electronic devices such as your Blackberry or a computer? I wonder how many people that have trouble with their watches also have trouble with electronics.

  3. I developed emf and es quite some time ago. Don't use a cell/or anything wireless. It is one of the most horrible things to deal with in this day and age. Screws up your central nervous system.....causes pain & disorientation. Am sure witht he growing wireless field we will see alot more of this.
