Monday, March 26, 2012

Astral Projection Project Update

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was undertaking a personal project to achieve astral projection. To update you on that endeavor I thought I would make a quick post. So far I have not been successful in consciously leaving my body.

The main issue, in my opinion, has been attaining the right level of relaxation without falling asleep. Maintaining mental awareness is just as necessary as bodily relaxation and I think I typically have too much of a sleep deficit to easily attain this delicate state. I do occasionally experience the vibrations that are characteristic of projection attempts but I have yet to make a successful conscious separation. In years past, even at the height of my practicing, I always had trouble actually getting out even when I reached the vibrational state. For now I'm just trying to get to and hold the vibrations. I'll work on separation when I come to it.

I hope that by practicing relaxation and getting a little more sleep I'll be able to up my chances of finally getting out on purpose. I'll keep you updated.

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