Thursday, November 25, 2010

Alien abduction or sleep paralysis?

There has been a big push in recent years to explain away cases of alien abduction as instances of sleep paralysis.  I am not opposed to this explanation in the cases to which it applies.  No doubt some people do experience sleep paralysis and it can seem to mimic the popular imagery of the alien abduction.  However, some people manage to bring back souvenirs from their "hallucinations."

Most prominently you have people that come back with strange markings and scars on their bodies.  These alone are perhaps not that convincing as someone could scratch themselves in their sleep or notice a scar they hadn't noticed before.  Still, this can qualify as physical evidence of an abduction despite it's ambiguity.  It's hard to convince others of this though.

The most convincing evidence, for me, is when a person actually has an implant.  There is a Dr. Roger Leir that specializes in removing these strange objects from people.  Appearing outwardly to be lumps of metal, some of these implants possess truly strange properties and behaviors such as emitting electromagnetic radiation or even moving away from the instrument when an attempt is made to extract them.  This is no doubt the best evidence for the phenomenon short of actually catching ET in the act of kidnapping someone.

And then one has to wonder if the sleep paralysis explanation isn't something put out in an attempt to discredit those that are genuine abductees.  Disinformation and debunking are common practices you encounter in the study of UFOs and extraterrestrials.  Which is a more convincing explanation for abduction to the average person:  sleep paralysis or aliens?  Most people would pick sleep paralysis, I think.

Here is a link to Dr. Leir's website, Alien Scalpel.
Here is a survey to help you determine if you have ever been abducted.

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