Thursday, December 23, 2010

Exorcism and Possession

Exorcism is typically the fare of Hollywood but there is apparently a growing demand for the service as of late.

What happens at exorcism school?

I can see why people would be more inclined to seek exorcism in the current world climate, whether there is a legitimate possession or not.  The above article reassures me as it tells me that Catholic exorcists are actually very levelheaded and don't jump right to the crucifixes and holy water.  This makes me wonder though:  What about possession and exorcism in other faiths?  I'm certain that Catholicism is not the only faith that believes in possession and exorcism.  This would suggest that unwanted possession is a universal human problem.  Perhaps it is faith and personal power that exorcises, no matter where it comes from?

One thing that I take issue with is the notion that delving into the occult opens one up to possession.  This may be true in a sense, as if you are involved with the occult then you are more likely to perform evocations of entities that are commonly called demons.  I'm sure that inevitably some of these go wrong.  However, it's common for every "one true religion" to demonize all the others so this allegation toward occult practice is really nothing new and really nothing to get too upset over.

I've had a bit of a fascination with evocation as of late so I thought I'd write about this related issue.  As an occultist, I find that if you do your homework and cross your t's and dot your i's then you really have nothing to worry about.  Exorcism, in all its forms, is still a very interesting subject that I hope to learn more about.

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