Thursday, December 2, 2010

The siddhis as psychic powers?

In Hindu and Tantric Buddhism the siddhis, or accomplishments, are seen as supernatural powers that one acquires through various means.  These means could be anything from being born with them to the use of herbs, or the use of trance and self-discipline.  Some of the amazing abilities granted by these accomplishments are being immune to heat and cold, transmutation of substances, levitation, and even teleportation (among many others).

I can't help but see a link between these accomplishments and some of the more extraordinary or fantastic psychic or magical abilities that are so popular in the West.  To me, personally, this gives inspiration as I have always leaned more toward the spiritual practices of the East.  However, I recognize that this is probably yet another interpretation of feats and abilities that have been described since ancient times and are available to all people when the right conditions are met.

The more I study this particular field the more I come to realize that whether you call it magic, psychic ability, siddhi, or whatever, you are essentially arriving at the same end:  Some miraculous or superhuman achievement.  Hopefully you can find the siddhis as inspiring as I do.

Wikipedia on the siddhis.
The Siddhis - A Brief Introduction

Read the above descriptions and see if you draw the same conclusions.

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