Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to Identify a Psychic Vampire Attack

There are two kinds of psychic vampire attack:  one-time attack and repeated attack.  One-time attacks are most often targets of opportunity and will not recur (at least not from the same vampire).  Repeated attack is perpetrated by someone that comes in contact with the victim a lot, providing lots of opportunity for attack.

The symptoms of a one-time attack may not be apparent enough for you to notice as it's happening, or at all.  By the time the symptoms manifest the vampire may be long gone.  The exception to this lack of identification would be someone displaying very obvious behavior (not likely), or in the case of those that are paranormally sensitive, they might be able to feel the "breach" of their energy field by the outside influence of the vampire.  A repeated attack over a longer span of time is perhaps easier to detect as eventually the symptoms will catch up to the victim and compound until they are no longer something that can be easily ignored.

What are the symptoms then?  Most commonly the symptoms are fatigue and headache.  The kind of fatigue you get after a long day, and the headache you get from stress or working too hard.  By themselves these aren't that sinister and aren't that uncommon.  Most of the time there are mundane explanations and there's no need to jump to the conclusion that you are the victim of a psychic vampire.  Sometimes though, the symptoms will not be proportional to the amount of strain/stress you have experienced during the day.  You'll have to use your own judgment with these.  Some of the more severe symptoms are fever, dizziness, and nausea.  These are typically indicative of a severe attack, or prolonged depletion of your own energy due to being attacked on multiple occasions.

Of course, you should make sure that there is nothing medically wrong with you before jumping to the psychic vampire conclusion.  A lot of mundane things can cause these sorts of symptoms and most people won't even notice them, even if they are being attacked by a psychic vampire.  I provide this information as a way of showing the potential physical symptoms that can manifest from an attack on your vital energy.  There are more subtle symptoms that can manifest but these aren't always noticeable to everyone.  These might include strange dreams, holes in your energy field, or a sickly or damaged looking aura.  All of these things would be either imperceptible or mostly written off by those not involved in an occult lifestyle, I think.

In my next post I'll finally get to some techniques you can use to stop this kind of attack.


  1. Yeah you are so right but I am often struck with a set of people who don't believe such things and end up ruining the whole case of the person concerned by inducing non-resulting medical treatment. Do you think your article will impress upon the non believers as well.

  2. I don't know if this will have any effect on nonbelievers. Nonbelievers are often as set in their ways as believers are; they just happen to be on the other side of the spectrum.
